Grain Robbery

Every year govt. spends crores of Rupees buying grains from farmers to be distributed among those below poverty lines, for free or at a subsidized rate. FCI/PDS is largely entrusted with this work.
- This grain is transported across godowns in India, to be distributed among the needy.
- The unscrupulous elements (caretakers, clerks, babu's, middlemen) - steal this grain, and sell it in open market or export it. The FCI marked grain sacks have been found at most unexpected places - being sold or exported.
- Nobody complains because, it is either recorded or declared that - the grain was distributed as planned Or Rats ate it Or It just rotted away.
- Is Public Distribution System (PDS) working? It is believed that close to 50 per cent of food grains in PDS get stolen.
Thanks to NDTV for bringing this out. Complete Story: Here, and Here.
This is EXACTLY how we perpetuate poverty - by corruption, inefficiency, promoting the lazy and not questioning the obvious. Crores of Rupees vanish - just like that. Isn't that Tax Payer's money that was entrusted to Babu's, to use meaningfully for the countrymen?
Instead we have gimmicks like : Garibi Hatao, TV Set distribution, and berozgar bhatta. Stop this sloganeering and gimmicks - where are the results?
For ur comment on my blog:
Medha Patkar is supporting farmer's rights. The food grains u & i eat r produced by these farmers not at our homes. Lets repect the fact that farmers hve the right to own their land. No rehabilitation compensation is given to them wen farmers r askked to evacuate, its jus on papers not pratised pratically.
What made u think we'd b back ward if Medha's support to farmers exists? Her fight for poor men's justice is justified.Even if v r citizens of deveeloping nation, atleast we live with dignity. Look at Japan, China & USA. Due to industrilization, there's so much pollution in those nations, they suffer from so many health problems. its all due to their greed.
u & i can't eat money to survive, can we? Farmers generate food.Who will protect famers wen all will turn into corporates?
Corporates shudn't b allowed to eat up the lands to build buildings & more buildings with higher electricity, water consumptions.
Poor & middle class people like me eventually are sufferers.
Madhu Ahuja> You are yourself not sure about what you are saying.
Nevertheless - SEZs are NOT wrong. It is the corruption associated with it is that is wrong. Not giving appropriate compensation to farmers is wrong.
Get it ?
Great Point. If 50% of food grains are being stolen, thats a big big problem.
We need to Privatize everything.. like yesterday.
AKD - if we can increase education, awareness, reduce poverty and reinforce rationality eliminating the difference based on the caste religion or sex and start giving priority to individual skill and talent 90% of our problems will be solevd. Today we face political mismanagement in our country. As long as ignorance is there donkeys will rule us. It may take a generation in India when the people will demand accountability and will really value the output based system.. Happy Diwali and happy all of u.
you have a nice blog out here...
will visit it often...
Dear Apun,
We need more privatization to reduce more corruption. Giving money as you said to farmer is wrong I am totally agree with you its not fault of business but the corrupt babu's.
I actually had a question? Apart from RTI is there anything we can actually do to see that these things dont happen? I know voting is the most important tool but any suggestions on other tools?
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