Should judge's receive awards?
How would you react:
- if a judge is given a 'good job done' reward?
- if a judge is given a prize for doing an exemplary job?
Perhaps, you will be happy! Think again.
Judges have a very important role to play in society. Just as they should not be seen receiving any favors or special treatment from a politician or any body, same way - recieving awards of any kind while in active service sounds completely out of order. The news in question here is some district and session court judges in karnataka being felicitated with cash award of Rs 10,000/=, a plaque and a citation, for promoting kannada language.
Ok, one may argue that this was just an appreciation for their usage of the local language; but if this practice continues, what prevents any 'body' or 'organization' from rewarding select judges for 'good job done', 'delivering excellent judgements', 'delivering immediate judgement' and so on...! Would it mean if your case lands up in the court of a judge who hasn't received a 'good job done' reward, you are not going to get 'enough' justice?
What is even more surprising that judge's chose to receive such awards! From my limited knowledge, in countries around the world - this is a completely unheard of practice.