Friday, September 29, 2006

And the World Looked On...

A man threatened to jump from a three-story building for almost 2 Hours. And finally ended his life.

Police, Fire Brigade and the usual crowd - all were present in full force. The whole scene was captured on cameras too.

Everyone watched in horror but forgot to save the man. Apparently, no effort was made to save him except for some verbal dissuation. What a shame.

What exactly are Fire Brigade Personnel and Police trained for? Isn't saving lives, an item higher on their priority list and training than - putting down fires and catching criminals ! Apparently NOT!

Less said the better about the crowd - it is quite common for crowds to gather and create commotion - in places of accidents, quarrels, deaths etc. But not do anything meaningful.

But, this comes as NO SURPRISE, in a country where - A Minister of Rajasthan State and yes you guessed it - crowd watched - for Eight hours - as a family found themselves surrounded by rising flood water, until they drowned. Read earlier post in this regard here: Minister and People Watch - As a Family Drowns in Rajasthan

And, the man apparently did this because of mental harassment by the society, his wife and the legal system. At least that would have been his interpretation. When will we get rid of our lopsided laws. Read earlier post about such a law: Increasing cases of Misuse of Section 498A

Suicide, a public spectacle in AP
Man jumps to death in full public view


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